[PvP-PvM-PvE][StatCap-750][No-Skill-Cap][Start-With-100-Each-Skill][Full-Starters-Gift Box][4FC-8FCR][Custom-Dungeons][Custom-Items][Custom-Tamables][Custom Deco][Custom-Stealables][Dedicated-Staff-Team][Dedicated-USA-Server][Friendly-Players-Great-Community][Fast-Skill-Gains][30 Evo Pets][Spell Crafting][No Town Guards In Felucca][Buffed Loot][Hue Room][Training Room][2 Accounts Per IP][4 Houses Per Account][Buffed Doom Gauntlet][Custom Buffed Blackthorns Dungeon][Farmable Donation Scrolls][Diamond Coin][Reward Scrolls][Town Houses][Town Invasion] [Buyable Power Scrolls From +5 To +50] [Island Houses][Public Champion Area][Underwater Sea Dungeon][Alien Ship Dungeon][Custom Quests][Casino & Slots] [In-Game Time Currency Crypto Coin][With Gear STR 2500-DEX-500-INT-2500]
Vagner Old School Gamer
7th January 2025
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