Server START January 18 (01/18/2025) |
Server Mechanics: Pre-Renewal (No 3x Job) |
Max Lv: 50/50 |
Rate : 5x/5x/10x |
Episode: Custom World (Item 13.2) |
Server Mechanics: Pre-Renewal (No 3x Job) |
Instant Cast: 150 DEX |
Anti-Stun: 100 VIT |
Anti-Status: 400 LUK |
EXP Party Share: ±15 |
Item Use Daley: 0.15 sec |
Custom Maps: 300+ |
Custom Event: 20+ |
Change Items: 1500+ |
Change Skills: 200+ |
Races: 11 |
Hard-Core Mode: Hero / TITAN |
Technology Level: 1-3 |
Global Quests: 11 |
Skill Specialization: 88 |
Weapor Rare System |
GvG Arena |
Forest Area (Roguelike System) |
Mining System |
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