Xterium is a massively multiplayer web browser based management/strategy game based on a completely invented science fiction universe.
Will you have enough stuff to take in battle by participating in great battles, exploring the unknown, and building your own empire? Embark now in an unlimited science fiction universe: set out to conquer space and its unexplored lands, colonize many planets to expand your empire and increase your power, evolve your technologies and buildings, form your own Army and your space fleet to fight the forces of your enemies with your allies or alone.
You think you can revalue with other people to impose your ideology, your laws? Join the already registered players who are waiting for you to fight!
Discover a unique space and land game, where the warm and supportive community asks only to expand and spend good times with you.
Xterium is a strategy game set in space, with thousands of players from across the world competing at the same time. You only need a regular web browser to play. Xterium is a browser-based, money-management and space-war themed massively multiplayer online browser game with over 250.000 accounts.
You start out with just one undeveloped world and turn that into a mighty empire able to defend your hard earned colonies. Create an economic and military infrastructure to support your quest for the next greatest technological achievements.
Xterium (War of Alliance) is a private server of Ogame, the best in the world.
Xterium è un gioco di strategia ambientato nello spazio, nel quale migliaia di giocatori da tutto il mondo competono tra di loro per conquistare l'universo.Inizia la tua avventura, con un solo mondo non ancora sviluppato e trasformalo in un fiorente impero capace di difendere le colonie conquistate con grande fatica Costruisci un'armata per imporre il tuo volere all'universo oppure proteggi le tue risorse dietro un inespugnabile muro di difese.Crea infrastrutture economiche e militari a supporto della tua corsa per raggiungere i più grandi traguardi tecnologici.
Xterium (War of Alliance) è un server privato di Ogame, il migliore in Italia.
Xterium est un jeu de stratégie dans l'espace. Des milliers de joueurs s'affrontent sans arrêt sur nos serveurs. Pour jouer, il vous suffit d'avoir un navigateur Internet. Vous commencez avec une planète non développée et la transformez en un empire puissant, capable de défendre toutes ses colonies. Créez une infrastructure militaire et économique pour permettre à votre empire d'être à la pointe du progrès technologique.
Xterium (War of Alliance) est un serveur privé d'Ogame, le meilleur de France.
Xterium ist ein Strategiespiel, bei dem tausende Spieler gleichzeitig gegeneinander um die Vorherrschaft im Weltraum antreten. Zum Spielen brauchst du nur einen normalen Webbrowser. Du startest mit nur einem unentwickelten Planeten und verwandelst diesen in ein mächtiges Imperium, das in der Lage ist, deine hart erarbeiteten Kolonien zu verteidigen. Erschaffe eine wirtschaftliche und militärische Infrastruktur um dein Streben nach den neuesten technologischen Errungenschaften zu ermöglichen.
Xterium (War of Alliance) ist ein privater Server von Ogame, dem besten in Deutschland.
Xterium es un juego de estrategia localizado en el espacio. Miles de jugadores por todo el mundo compiten al mismo tiempo. Para jugar sólo necesitas un navegador web.Dirige guerras contra otros imperios a medida que luchas contra otros jugadores para conseguir recursos. Negocia con otros emperadores y crea una alianza o comercia esos recursos que tanto necesitas.
Xterium (War of Alliance) es un servidor privado de Ogame, el mejor del mundo.