Season 6 Episode 19 (Progressive)
✅ Experience rate x1000
✅ ML Experience rate x10
✅ Drop rate: 30%
✅ Free2Play Friendly Server
???? Auto Reset, Offlevel (OffHelper): YES! available for everyone! ????
✅ Max Level: 400
✅ Max Master Level: 400
✅ Max stats: 32000
✅ Max reset: 50
✅ Max Grand Reset: 100
???? Unique NPC quest system that helps players get the best gear! ????
???? No Webshop, limited X-shop. No way to get the best gear using $$$. The only way is through grinding! ????
✅ Balanced gameplay where ALL jewels have value!
✅ All class are available from level 1.
✅ Max Client: 3
✅ New map “Farm Island”.
✅ Huge variety of bosses, events, and invasions.
For more information, please visit the GUIDES!
????Excellent Set and Wings +9+L+28+2 Options [2 Days]
????Excellent Weapon/Shield +9+L+28+2 Options [2 Days]
????Dotto Muun Pet [2 Days]
????Scroll Battle Buffs [2 Days]