Wings致力于拓宽大巨变前怀旧内容的边界。在玩家熟悉的 < 小数值 > , < 简单装备系统 > 的玩法基础上,新增了 < 家族系统 > < 世界等级 > < 便利性插件 > 等内容,让玩家能平顺的体验渐变服的成长与收获。
WingsMS is a nostalgic server, we devoted to pre Big-Bang contents and aim to push the boundary of old-school MapleStory. Furthermore, we introduced easy to use "equipment system", precise numeric and post Big-Bang storylines and boss fights on enrich later period game experience.
Server Rating
Score 3.6/5.
chco lam
16th February 2025
28th December 2023
Emin Avdic
6th April 2023
Cody Chen
23rd February 2023
Mina Ma
19th December 2022
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