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Insanity MMORPG is the oldest and biggest FlyFF private server out there!
We care about our community and we do our best to provide the best experience for them.
Below you will find information on a few of our features, take a look and join us now!

[Online for over 14 years! No wipe since 6+ years]
Backed by the best Developers & Admins in the scene, we are the only ones that managed to
always deliver quality content, a stable enviroment, and a big active Community!

A huge 64-bit upgrade to our Server & Game Client doesnt just improve the performance, it also prevents crashing issues that other servers may face.
Experience the game in a smoother way than you have ever seen before!
We are international!
We already provide 6 language packs, to improve YOUR experience!
You can Insanity in your preferred language!
Adding support for more languages is already in the works!
This is not all!
We are the only server who have setup gateways to improve delay issues no matter where you are in the world.
This makes it possible for you to enjoy the server without big lag spikes or latency without using a VPN.

Tired of Pay2Win Gaming?
We recently also updated our complete PvE Enviroment.
Better rewards, better progression, as the main focus.
So if you are all about Free 2 Play, you will love Insanity!

Enjoy reworked Vanilla AND new custom Dungeons.
Slay Bosses with your Guild or even Solo - it is all possible.
But watch out, Boss Monsters gained new mechanics, you have to be careful fighting the big boys!

Insanity is known for its active Sieges and crowded Secret Rooms.
Soon even more, as our ongoing expansions "Project Slingshot" will bring Equalized Gear modes to those Systems.
We are also working on complete new PvP & PvE Systems

We also have Offline Vending aswell.
You can pay with iPoints or simply farm your for your Vendor in-game!
The drop rates are more than fair, so everyone can join the offline-vend fun!